Background to the Study
In any developing country, it is critical to describe the nature and trajectory of educational advancement. Education is a systematic intellectual and moral instruction aimed at acquiring information, character development, and mental growth in order to secure human life (Karl, 2016). This is made possible through good teaching and learning. The skill and capability of prospective instructors and school management have a significant impact on kids' academic success.
As a result, for optimal performance in the twenty-first century, an efficient, dependable, and polite instructor with professionalism, creative imagination, pricey inventiveness, and depth of experience is required (Ama, 2019).
Differential scholastic attainment of Nigerian students has been and continues to be a subject of worry and research interest for educators, government officials, and parents. This is due to the significant impact that education has on the country's overall growth. There is widespread agreement across the country that Nigeria's educational standards have deteriorated (Adebule, 2004). Parents and the government agree that their significant investment in education is not generating the anticipated results. Teachers frequently complain about their pupils' poor performance on internal and external exams. The problematic nature and generality of low secondary school pupils' performance in diverse school courses were justified by the annual releases of Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) results administered by the West African Examination Council (WAEC).
"No Education system can grow beyond the quality of instructors in the system," according to the National Policy of Education (Fgn, 2006). According to Orgunsaju (2004), academic standards in all Nigerian educational institutions have fallen well short of social expectations. Blumende (2001) echoed this sentiment, stating that "anyone who is aware of the crucial significance of education as an instrument of society transformation and growth cannot overlook the reduction in the quality of education."
Teachers' adequacy and proficiency in terms of pedagogical techniques and tactics, as well as understanding of the curriculum and subject matter, must be prioritized (Chall & Popp, 1990; Stuart, 2004; Rodgers, 2001). In support of the aforementioned scholars, Ekwesili (2006) established the Private Public Partnership (PPP) and School Based Management Committee (SBMC) to manage secondary education and promote school effectiveness, because students' success is dependent on the amount of learning that takes place in the classroom, as well as other factors such as how effective and efficient the teacher is in the classroom. Ijaiya (1998) agreed, stating that enhancing student success requires improving the quality of the teaching staff in schools. As a result, the government's first goal should be to improve educational quality. According to Lassa (2000) and Guga (1998), education cannot be offered by just anybody; it requires a teacher who develops and delivers lessons or instruction in such a way that objectives are met. Students cannot be prepared for WASCE/GCE by an uncertified teacher since they are unlikely to pass. In support of this, Owolabi (2007) suggested that the government should use all available resources to retain senior and experienced teachers who are still eager to serve and give their wealth of knowledge to strengthening the system. The Baguada Seminar Reports on Quantities and Qualities in Nigerian Education (NERC, 1980), as cited by ESA, (2005), also agreed that teachers are the most important determinants of educational quality: if they are apathetic, uncommitted, uninspired, lazy, unmotivated, immoral, and anti-social, the entire nation will suffer. They are not only useless but also hazardous if they are uninformed in their fields and consequently pass on incorrect information. As a result, the type of instructors who are trained and assigned to schools may have a significant impact on the following generation. This study investigated the link between the quantity and quality of teachers/the relationship between the quality and quality of teachers/principals and students' academic achievement in economics, based on the aforementioned assertion.
A questionnaire was utilized by Abraham and Keith (2006) to create an index of school effectiveness. Teachers were shown to be the primary drivers of internal school conditions for effectiveness, development, and change. According to Ibitoye (2003), there is a link between enrolment, the use of teacher-provided classrooms, the teaching of learning activities, and students' academic success. Similarly, Akpofure and N'dipu (2000) stated that for efficient teaching and learning, schools must maintain a reasonable carrying capacity in the use of classrooms, libraries, and labs. This, they believe, will open the way for school quality assurance. A similar study on the determinants of students' academic success, conducted by Aduwa (2004), found that a student's home environment, cognitive abilities, self-esteem, and self-concept, as well as the provision of all of these factors, may not be significant to principals, teachers, and other school teams. Students learn more from teachers who have high academic skills, according to Ehrenberg and Brewer (1995) and Ferguson (1991). Teachers' assignments, according to these studies, are determined by their knowledge of the subject(s) being taught. Middle and high school students learn more from instructors with Bachelor's or Master's degrees in the areas they teach, as well as from more experienced teachers, than from less experienced ones (Darling-Hammond, 2000).
Egungun (1992) discovered in a research on human resource and organizational accomplishment that placing just the appropriate personnel in the right roles, at the right time and place, considerably aids in the fulfillment of organizational established goals and objectives.
The most significant resource input in the school, according to many research, is teacher quality (TQ), which predicts student accomplishment. Economists who study the impact of teaching quality on student learning and accomplishment give evidence of the value of instruction. Researchers examine the efficacy of instructors as a deciding factor in student performance. A excellent instructor will have students who do well on tests. The researchers are able to separate the impact of TQ from other factors that may influence student success in this way.
According to Goldhaber (2003), "Teachers clearly play an important role in shaping the future of individuals as well as entire generations, and new research has demonstrated the dramatic effect that teachers can have on the outcomes of students from all academic and social backgrounds in recent years."
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The problematic nature and generalization of low secondary school pupils' performance in numerous school disciplines, including economics, was justified by the WAEC's annual publication of SSCE results. Only 20% of students completed five (5) necessary topics in the recently finished SSCE exams, according to WAEC. According to Adebule (2004), there is widespread agreement across the country concerning Nigeria's deteriorating educational standards. Parents and the government agree that their significant investment in education is not generating the anticipated results. According to Morakinyo (2003), the lack of use of verbal reinforcement by teachers is to blame for the decline in academic success.
As a result, it has been observed on several occasions that senior secondary school students pay less attention to elective subjects, such as economics, and that teachers' attitudes toward changing this perception in students through their prospective skills, teaching methods, and level of experience are poor.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of teacher’s educational qualification on the performance of senior secondary school students in economics.
Specifically, the objectives of the study are:
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypothesis
The research seeks to test the following null hypotheses and make decisions on their outcome based on the data that will be gathered.
H0: Teacher qualities have no strong influence on academic achievement of senior secondary school students.
H0: There is no significant relationship between teachers’ years of experience and student’s academic performance in economics.
1.6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The research study will look at the impact of the teachers to the performance of senior secondary school students in economics.
Because of time constraint, This study will be delimited to the research design in the five (5) randomly selected secondary schools in yaba local government area of Lagos state, namely, Lagos city college, kings college Lagos, queens college, eletu odibo secondary school and our lady of Apostle school, Yaba.
Out of the five randomly selected schools, one hundred(100) students offering economics will be randomly selected in all.
Research instrument will be the questionnaire, while a non-parametric test will be used to present the data.
1.7 Significance of the Study
The findings of the research work will be of help to teachers, students, school management and educational planners as well as the entire society. It will guide the school management on what qualities and qualifications to look for in recruiting facilitators. It will also give teachers an insight into what is expected of them. Also, these findings can be used to guide educational planners about the need for qualified economics teachers to facilitate effective teaching and learning in secondary schools.
1.8 Definition of Terms
The following terms were define according to the circumstances of their usage.
Teacher Qualification:
This refers to the level of academic achievement of a teacher beginning from the level of teachers training to the level of in-service training.
Student Performance:
This refers to the ability and capacity of the student to achieve an educational aim.
Economics is a science of allocation and distribution of scarce means to satisfy human unlimited wants.
Teacher Education:
This refers to a means through which prospective teachers are trained to teach.
Human Resources Management:
It is a means of supervising, directing and controlling the numbers of people who have skills, educational and experience that are critical for the socio-economic development of a country.
Educational Planning:
This is a proposed intention at achieving educational aims and improving teaching and learning.
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